
Vinegar is such a versatile, eco-friendly product that you can use around the home to clean without the use of chemicals.  These are just a few of the ways that vinegar can be used to clean around the home.  #1: For the die-hard coffee drinkers Freshen and clean your automatic coffee maker by filling the […]
  • May 23, 2022
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The fact is that buying organic food as well as buying other “green” products (or making your own) makes the world less toxic for all living things, including but not limited to humans. Buying organic supports the idea that we want the food we eat to be raised without the use of toxic pesticides, fertilizers, and drugs.  But, we all […]
  • March 21, 2022
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 It happened slowly, over time, where her light would begin to awaken a sleeping part of me. I would say it started over a decade ago. It began to happen when I was so broken that I needed something larger than myself to feel protected by. It began as a place of refuge and solace […]
  • March 7, 2020
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For nearly 6 months at the Santa Monica farmers Market, I would sample a bread or cake by a mysterious fairy at one of my favorite stalls Kandarian Farms. I kept asking who this creature was making these treats with no agenda rather than to bring goodness in the world. One day as life would […]
  • February 23, 2020
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